Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Copy movie clip

The main content of this tutorial, as the title says, is to copy the movie clip. Copy of course, the film clip can be used in many ways, but one of the most common is to give us a visual effect - mouse tracking. Here began our design steps:

1. Create our film clip

You can select the menu File (file) -> New (New); and then select Modify (modification) -> Movie (film); set the following attributes:

FPS (frames per second image) is 18,
Movie size: 500 X 400 (ie width 500, height 400)
Background: black.

In the main time to process the film, and then insert a layer, and named them MOVIE and SCRIPT. Shown in Figure 1.

(Figure 1)

2. Create the main symbols

You can select Insert (Insert) -> New Symbol (new symbol), or you can shortcut keys CTRL + F8; then will pop up the dialog box, shown in Figure 2, in the Name box Type "GLOBE1", and select "GRAPHIC" as its Behavior (behavior).

(Figure 2)

Re-painted symbols, you can choose "OVAL TOOL" (arrow tool), use the no contour lines and the red / black gradient as the fill. You can draw a first round of any type, it does not matter, because you can come in the INFO tab to change its properties. Shown in Figure 3.

(Figure 3)

Once your circle has been drawn, please use the "ARROW TOOL" (arrow tool) to select the painting circle. INFO tab and type in width 40, height 40, then the X-axis and Y axis position of the location of both the box, type 20, thus ensuring that our circle in the center of the time course. The results shown in Figure 4.

(Figure 4)

3. Create movie clip

You can choose from the menu Insert (Insert) -> New Symbol (symbol), you can also use the shortcut keys CTRL + L. At this time the dialog box will pop up in the Name box, type "CLIP1", and select "MOVIE CLIP" as its Behavior (behavior).

Select Window (window) -> Library (graphics library) or use the shortcut key to open graphics library. The "GLOBE1" graphics from the graphics library in time to pull out onto the course.
The second step used the same method, the graphics center. Then select the time line of the first 18, right click, and pop-up menu, select Insert (Insert) -> Keyframe (key frame) or use the shortcut key F6 to insert keyframe.

Then select the "TRANSFORM" tab, click the "CONSTRAIN" (limited) option. In the "CONSTRAIN" option on the left of the box, type 50%. Figure 5.

(Figure 5)

Then select "EFFECT" tab and select "TINT". Here to ensure that the selected color to black and set the "TINT" is 50%.
The main time line and select the first frame, then select "FRAME" tag, and from the drop-down menu, select TWEENING "MOTION". Shown in Figure 6.

(Figure 6)

Movie clip should now gradually from red into black.

4. Film layer

Now we return to the main movie timeline. In "MOVIE" layer of the first frame will CLIP1 sign a copy of the drag to the time of the process. Select "INSTANCE" tab and in the Name text box, type "CLIP1". Shown in Figure 7.

(Figure 7)

Again the same Figure versatility select the third frame, and select Insert (Insert) -> Frame (frame) or use the shortcut key F5.


5. In the process layer to add the manuscript

In this layer there are three you need to increase the manuscript for their program:

Manuscript of the first frame add the following procedure:

startDrag ("CLIP1", true);

Show the meaning of this statement to tell the first instance of the frame began to drag the symbol named CLIP1. In the fourth step you have already given an example of the symbol named CLIP1. Here produced a copy of a valid CLIP1 symbols.

In the first frame to join:

if (COPYCOUNT> 18) (
duplicateMovieClip ("CLIP1", "CLIP" & COPYCOUNT, COPYCOUNT);

The first line of the above statement assigns a value to the variable COPYCOUNT COPYCOUNT + 1. In the next three rows of symbols to tell the film if the copy CLIP1 more than 18 times, COPYCOUNT re-assigned to 1. So when we drag the mouse can not copy CLIP1 sign more than 18. Fourth line is our implementation of the copy of the statement. Copy CLIP1 duplicateMovieClip command said here sign, it tells a new copy every movie for the CLIP & COPYCOUNT. Another reminder that when the implementation of the second frame when the COPYCOUNT on plus 1, and when COPYCOUNT more than 18 times, the re-set to 1.

In the third frame to add
gotoAndPlay (2);

This command is sent to the second frame to play a role. The implementation of this statement after the re-implementation of the second frame of the statement, the implementation of the second complete frame, then the implementation of the third frame of the statement, so the cycle continues.

If you are not familiar with FLASH in Actionscript, please carefully read the explanation:

Click the "SCRIPT" layer of the first frame, and from the menu in the "ACTIONS" folder, select "STARTDRAG". And in the "TARGET" text box, type "CLIP1", then click the "LOCK MOUSE TO CENTER" option. Shown in Figure 8.

(Figure 8)

Then return to the main timeline and select Insert (Insert) -> Blank keyframe (blank keyframe) or pressing the shortcut keys F7 to insert a blank keyframe to 2 and 3.

Double-click the first two and from the Actions menu, select "SET VARIABLE".

VARIABLE key in the text box as COPYCOUNT, and the VALUE text box, type COPYCOUNT +1, and for the VALUE text box to select "EXPRESSION" option. Shown in Figure 9.

(Figure 9)

From the ACTIONS menu, select "IF" and in the CONDITION the text box, type "COPYCOUNT> 18". Shown in Figure 10.

(Figure 10)

From the ACTIONS menu, select "SET VARIABLE" and a text box, type in the VARIABLE COPYCOUNT, and in the VALUE text box, type 1, and to the VALUE text box to select "EXPRESSION" option. As shown in Figure 11.

(Figure 11)

Next we have from the ACTIONS menu, select "DUPLICATE MOVIE CLIP" text box and type in the TARGET CLIP1, and in NEW NAME text box type "CLIP" & COPYCOUNT, (here also for the text box to select NEW NAME "EXPRESSION" option.) longer DEPTH text box, type COPYCOUNT, as shown in Figure 12.

(Figure 12)

To the current location, and sent every thing done. From the "SCRIPT" third double-layer frame, and from the "BASIC ACTIONS" menu, select "GO TO", amassing FRAME text box, type 2.
Well, now you're done, full of infectious mouse tracking to create became so carefully understand what the process of creation, you will copy the movie clip will have a more profound understanding.

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